Registration Information

  • Hampton, VA

If you do not see your college or university in the provided options, please email us at [email protected] PRIOR to completing registration

Personal Information

Emergency Contact Information



Other Information

Please complete the information below so we may be aware of any specific concerns or accommodations that the staff should be aware of. All of this information is kept confidential and will not be shared. 

Release of Liability & Medical Release

I agree on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns, executors, and personal representatives, to hold harmless and defend the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, its officers, directors, agents employees, or representatives associated with this event from any and all liability, loss or damage arising from or in connection with my participation in this diocesan event.

Furthermore, I hereby warrant that to the best of my knowledge, I am in good health and assume all responsibility for my health. In the event of an emergency, I hereby give permission to transport me to a hospital for emergency medical or surgical treatment. I wish to be advised prior to any further treatment by the hospital or doctor or that my emergency contact be notified prior to any further treatment. I will not hold the Diocese of Richmond responsible for authorizing any medical treatment beyond necessary transportation to the hospital.

Use of Pictures and/or Video

I give permission for pictures and/or videos of the above-named participant engaged in activities related to any diocesan event to be used in publications, social media, and/or websites of the Diocese of Richmond. If there is a concern with this policy, please contact the Office for Evangelization upon submitting registration.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software